Posts Tagged ‘armory’


Company G in a Predicament

   Posted by: admin    in Military matters

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 7, 1903

Company G in a Predicament

Are Threatened With Loss of Their Present Armory in the Parson’s Block

Company Will Be Homeless

Only Hope is That Some One Can Be Found Who Will Build New Armory

Company G will soon have to give up their armory, which has been in the Parsons block, now rented to the McCormick Harvester company and the proposition now before them it the building they are to get to take its place. They have no building in view at present, and it is the unanimous opinion of the members of the company that it is only right and fair to them that the citizens of Fort Dodge should build a new building for them. They are all disgusted with the building they have had, and have said that unless the company is given a fit room to drill in, it will have to be mustered out. The company must have a hall big enough to drill in and there are none in town of the right size.

They are allowed $300 a year for rent by the state, but this has not been enough, and the drill money, which rightfully belongs to the men, has often been given over to help swell this fund. The money which is received from camping is always added to it. In this way the rent has been paid up to date, but this is of no avail in the present emergency.

What the company wants is a building with a half about 60 by  140 feet, or even 70 by 120 feet. The old armory never was large enough, and the new building, if there is to be one, must be larger. The company is prepared to pay a very good rent for a hall, and if Fort Dodge secures the military band, the amount will be doubled. They have not been given notice to vacate as yet, but expect it soon, and as only thirty days are allowed them after the notification, something must be done soon.

The members of the company say they will drill anywhere until the new armory is built, if they can only be sure that it will be built.

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