
Want Department

   Posted by: admin   in Miscellaneous notices, Real estate

The Evening Messenger: May 2, 1899

Want Department

For Sale or Rent. The building and fixtures formerly occupied by the Root & Howe meat market. Enquire of Mrs. L. Schultz.

For Sale Cheap. Two good lots with nice little cottage. Will sell at bargain if taken right away. Inquire of Coughlin & Trost.

For Sale. The Mitchell Implement Co. has two hundreds loads of good black dirt for sale.

For sale. Fine river sand. Enquire at this office.

For Sale Cheap. Business property on First avenue south, 40×140. Residence property on Fourth avenue north between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Residence property on Sixth avenue north between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Inquire at this office.

Girl Wanted. A girl for plain cooking. Apply at Harrington House.

Paper Hanging. C.C. Ames does first-class paper hanging and painting at reasonable prices. Address Lock Box 5, 911 Second avenue north.

Second hand store is the place to go if you want to buy or sell anything in the line of furniture, cook stoves or carpets. What have you to sell? C.L. Jewell, Proprietor, 2d door south of Court House.

Agents Wanted. By the Midland Life Associations. Good contracts offered to suitable parties. Apply at once.

Girl Wanted. Girl to do house work in family of two. Inquire at 402 north 7th street.

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