The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 21, 1906
Caught in the Cash Register
Thief Loses End of Finger in Russell M’Guire’s Store Saturday Night
A young man who resides in this city is minus the tip of the small finger on his right hand today as the result of a very bunglesome piece of robbery Saturday night in McGuire’s shoe store. In attempting to snatch money from the cash register while Mr. McGuire’s back was turned, the rascal caught his hand in the cash drawer as it was closed.
Mr. McGuire can give no particulars concerning the thief, although he knows him very well by sight. He is a young man about twenty-three years old who has been living in Fort Dodge this winter. The store was very crowded on Saturday night and Mr. McuGire (sic) was kept very busy waiting on trade. Several customers were lined up along the side of the store near the register. Mr. McGuire had just made a sale and was registering it. When the drawer of the machine closed it caught this young man’s hand and held it until he had snatched it away, leaving the tip of his finger to tell the tale. Mr. McuGire (sic) was very surprised, for he had not noticed the attempt until he heard the soft thud of the finger as it was crushed. With a coolness which belied his pain, the thief wrapped his finger in his handkerchief and walked from the store.
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