Make Strenuous Move
The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 26, 1906
Make Strenuous Move
Police Begin to Collect all Untagged Dogs and Shoot Them at Once – Slaughter this Morning
The police started out this morning with a wagon to collect all dogs which were to be found running at large through the city without tags, and as soon as a load was caught they were taken to the pound where they were shot without giving their owners an opportunity to redeem them by paying the price of a tax tag. The slow manner in which owners of dogs have complied with the city ordinance pertaining to the purchase of tags, has necessitated this step, and hereafter any dog found in any part of the city untagged, will be taken in and shot at once.
Only 171 dog tags have ben (sic) sold so far, which is a comparatively small per cent of the number of dogs in the city.