Posts Tagged ‘Gustafson’

Saturday Evening Post: Oct. 21, 1893

Life’s Eventful Drama

Touches of Tragedy and Chunks of Comedy to the Passing Play on the World’s Great Stage of Human Action.

The Players’ Entrances and Exits.

A Faithful Reproduction of Seven Days’ Scenes And Incidents in Local Life in Which We all Are Actors.

The “Midway Plaisance,” the name under which the social at the armory was given last Wednesday evening, was by no means a misnomer, for the hall was decorated, adorned and populated as one who had never seen the original Midway would imagine it might look. Booths attended by charming maidens adorned in various oriental costumes were scattered about over the large hall and the wares they handled went like red lemonade at a circus. The novelty of the name was the means of drawing a large crowd, and the result was a neat sum secured to the society, for whose benefit it was given.

A man who had been fleecing the counties of Kussuth (sic) and Humboldt with wolf skins, claimed to have been killed in these counties, and who had already worked Webster county for $35 in the same manner, was arrested here Wednesday while trying to work Auditor Cunningham for bounty on three more skins. He was taken to Kossuth county for prosecution.

Judge Hyatt granted an injunction this week restraining the county auditor from entering Rosanna Arnold’s property upon the tax book for guttering and curbing assessments. The description is lots 7 and 9 block 16 and the amount assessed was $441.00 (about $11,734 today). The property owner claims damage to the property by the grading that was done.

The Swedish Grieg Mandskor went to Badger last Tuesday to give one of their musical entertainments there for the benefit of the Norwegian Lutheran church. This organization is a very strong one, the chorus consisting of nearly twenty voices.

The committee on bridges let the contract last Tuesday for repairing the Lehigh bridge. Bids were as follows: J. Daniels & Co., $380; O.H. Larson, $447; C.T. Gustafson, $565; J.T. O’Connor, $595. The contract was given to Daniels & Co., who reside at Lehigh.

It appears that the prohibitionists of Webster county have reconsidered their endorsement of C.W. Newton for county treasurer and placed upon their ticket Mr. D.K. Lincoln instead. This is the way the ticket is filed with the county auditor.

The university of Iowa foot ball team got beautifully wallopped (sic) by the Denver atheletic (sic) club team in Denver last Saturday. The score stood 58 to 0. Should think the boys would be ashamed to come home.

Mrs. Jacob Mericle, of Holiday creek, one of Webster County’s pioneer settlers, died at her home last Wednesday, aged 72 years. She leaves a husband and a large family of children to mourn her loss.

A man in Meadville, Pa., has invented a barometer which not only indicates the weather in advance, but will sound a continuous alarm before the approach of cyclones and other death dealing storms.

The ladies of the Presbyterian church gave a most enjoyable social at the Armory last Friday evening. A large crowd was highly entertained by the very excellent musical program provided by the ladies.

John Koll has broken ground for a two story brick building, 22×30, on First avenue south, adjoining O.M. Oleson’s warehouse. Mr. Oleson will begin in a few days to veneer his with brick.

M.F. Byrne and Miss Kate McClarney were married at the home of the bride’s mother in this city Wednesday morning. The young couple left for Chicago on a wedding trip.

Four new recruits for the U.S. army have been secured in this city, as follows: S.A. Brown, Will H. Brown, Robert Curliss and Roscoe King. They all enlist for three years.

The vault door of the American Express company was closed a couple days this week, because the combination would not work. It had to be drilled open.

A. W. Braley has resigned his position with the Mason City Times and was spending a few days calling upon Fort Dodge friends the first of the week.

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Is Arrested For Bootlegging

   Posted by: admin    in Bootlegging, Crime

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 19, 1904

Is Arrested For Bootlegging

Thomas Hughes of Forest City Gets Into Trouble.

Government Officers Arrest Him on That Charge – Must Go Before Federal Grand Jury.

Thomas Hughes was arrested by Deputy United States Marshal G.F. Gustafson at Forest City Friday, and brought to Fort Dodge the same night. He was taken to Clarion today where he was given a hearing before Commissioner Rogers on the charge of selling intoxicating liquors in violation of the revenue law. He was bound over to the federal grand jury under $200 bonds ($4,790 today). As he was unable to furnish bonds Hughes will be taken to Sioux City tomorrow.

The prisoner is charged with selling liquor in Forest City, where he makes his home. He is an unmarried man, his parents being respectable farmers living near Forest City.

While there was no feature of interest in Hughes’ arrest, the federal officers not infrequently meet with unusual situations. Some time ago Deputy Marshal Gustafson arrested a man on the charge of selling intoxicating liquors. His prisoner emphatically denied the charge.

“I will tell you just how it was,” he said. “We often played cards and usually had whiskey in the house. This day I was going down town to meet some friends to play, and put a bottle of whisky (sic) in my pocket. I didn’t sell the whisky, although I met a friend and when I got down to the depot the whisky was gone and I found a dollar in my pocket.”

He was held to the grand jury.

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And Now They Are Both in the Toils

   Posted by: admin    in Court matters, Crime

The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 29, 1904

And Now They Are Both in the Toils

Harry Himmellman and Sam Beisell “Get Even” With Each Other.

Now Both Are Under Arrest

And Must Answer to the Federal Jury on Charge of “Bootlegging.”

As the result of a case of “getting even,” Harry Himmellman of Radcliffe, Iowa,  must answer to the federal grand jury on the charge of selling intoxicating liquor contrary to the revenue laws. Himmellman testified against Sam Beisell of LaPorte, when Beisell was taken before a United States commissioner for alleged “bootlegging,” and in a spirit of revenge Beisell turned around and swore out information against Himmellman, charging him with disposing of intoxicants without first paying Uncle Sam his due and at the same time endeavoring to employ the charge against the other to clear himself. As a result both are being held over to the grand jury on the same charge.

Last October Beisell it is alleged made a practice of selling beer while conducting a restaurant at Radcliffe. He later moved to LaPorte, a small town near Waterloo, and was arrested there some time after his arrival. At his hearing Himmellman, who had been in his employ in the restaurant at Radcliffe, testified against him. When it had been apparently proven that liquor had been sold in his place of business, Beisell in turn attempted to shoulder the blame upon Himmellman, claiming that if the latter sold beer in the restaurant it was without his knowledge. He was bound over to the grand jury.

When Beisell had been disposed of the authorities began to pick up evidence against Himmellman and a few days ago his arrest was decided on. Wednesday Deputy United States Marshal G.F. Gustafson was to go down to Radcliffe to place Himmellman under arrest, but the trip was made unnecessary. While walking along the street Tuesday afternoon thinking of his contemplated trip for the next day Marshall (sic) Gustafson felt a hand on his arm and turning gazed in the face of Himmellman, whose arrest he was to make the next day. The unexpected meeting was something of a surprise, but when Himmellman “braced” the marshal for a dollar the officer nearly lost his feet.

“You want a dollar do you?” he said as soon as he recovered his breath. “I guess you won’t need a dollar for a few days. You’d better come along with me.”

“Well I’ll be d——, I’m telling the truth when I say I’m sorry I met you,” was all Himmellman could say and then he and the marshal marched up to the city jail where the Radcliffe man spent his time until this afternoon when he was given a hearing before Captain W.H. Johnston. He was bound over to the grand jury and being unable to furnish bones was taken to Cedar Rapids where he will remain in jail until his case is disposed of.

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