The Fort Dodge Messenger: Nov. 5, 1906
Ladies Got Dumped Out
Tongue of Carriage Buried in ground by Force of Runaway – Occurs on 15th Street Viaduct.
The tongue of the buggy was driven several feet into the ground, the fair occupants were dumped unceremoniously into the street and the team trotted home, uninjured, with the tugs and ends of the harness trailing behind them. Such was the result of a peculiar accident on the hill near the 15th street viaduct Saturday evening as the Misses Oleson, daghters (sic) of Mrs. Gunder Oleson, of Badger, were driving home after a visit in Fort Dodge. The team was not harnessed very securely so that when they were making the descent the tugs became unfastened, and the tongue fell and frightened them.
The team ran across the viaduct, finally stopping when the tongue was driven into the ground and the young ladies were thrown from the buggy. No serious injuries were reported, although the Misses Oleson sustained a bad fall.
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