
The Laboring Man Will Have His Day

   Posted by: admin   in Business, Holidays

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 5, 1903

The Laboring Man Will Have His Day

Fort Dodge Will have a Big Celebration on Monday, Labor Day.

The Unions are at the Head

To Have Charge of Celebration and Expect to Have a Big Day.

Not only the workingmen, but the city in general, will celebrate on Labor Day, Monday. In the atfernoon (sic) business will be at a standstill, all of the Central avenue business houses having agreed to close from 12 until 5 in the afternoon. The furniture and hardware dealers will not open up after 12, and the lumber yards will remained closed during the entire day. Appointed as a committee by the labor unions of the city, L.E. Hurlbut called on all of the merchants this morning and found them glad and willing to sign the above agreement.

Being a legal holiday the saloons and banks will be closed and short hours will be in effect at the postoffice as follows: The general delivery will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., and from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The carriers will make a business delivery at 8 a.m. and the usual forenoon residence delivery and deliver mail at their windows from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Business collections will be made at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Nearly all the factories and shops in the city will shut down.

There will be no issue of the Messenger.

Everything indicates that Monday will be a day of great festivities for the labor unions. The elaborate program arranged by the trades and labor assembly will be carried out to the letter. The celebration will begin at 10 o’clock in the morning with a grand labor parade. Several thousand union men will march, and prizes will be offered for the best appearing local union. Hundreds of union men from surrounding towns will also be in the city, the railroads having made special rates to and from Fort Dodge.

All of the exercises will be held at the park and race track. A feature of the morning will be the address by M.F. Healy. The ball game between Fort Dodge and Waterloo in the afternoon will start at 3 o’clock. The diamond willl (sic) be on the race track in front of the grand stand. The judges stand and fence have been removed and the grounds put into first class condition. Music by two bands and the Oleson orchestra and a dance will also be among the attractions. the time in the afternoon will be well taken up with the various athletic contests scheduled. Liberal prizes have been offered to the winners of all the events. The day promises to be one long remembered by the union men of Fort Dodge and vicinity.

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