The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 8, 1904
Enters Houses in Broad Day Light
Stranger By The Name of James Wilson Was Caught in the Act.
Puts Up Queer Appearance
After Making Failure of Attempt to Enter Blanden Residence in Daylight he Sneaked into Benj. Jones’ Home – Held to Grand Jury.
Nerve beyond record had James Wilson who was arrested Sunday evening for entering two Fort Dodge homes in broad day light at 6:30 in the evening. after failing in his efforts to enter the Blanden home from the basement, he walked over to Benjamin Jones’ residence on First avenue north, and while Mr. Jones was sitting on the front porch entered the house through the back way. He went up stairs and began rifling the rooms of several small articles. Descending he was heard by Mr. Jones, who rushed into the house and grabbed the thief. With a clever himself of his coat and flew out of the house leaving Mr. Jones with nothing but an old ragged coat.
Caught by Chief Welch.
Running up the alley he began to attract the attention of all passers-by, Chief Welch happened along and immediately gave chase. The pursued, though fleet of foot, soon became rattled in the maze of streets and back yards and was captured near the home of Doctor Ristine.
Actions Decidedly Queer.
After his arrest Wilson was questioned by the police and his conduct and answers seem to point to his being somewhat off, though some think that this is put on. He is about five feet eight inches in height and wears a very dark beard. He occasionally puts a look on his face which reminds one of an insane asylum. When captured he put up a fight and uttered a volley of oaths at the officer who caught him, so that he had to be handled roughly. He will give no explanation as to his conduct, claiming that he remembers nothing.
Seen by Ed Cullen.
Coming out of the cellar window of the Blanden residence, Wilson was seen by Ed Cullen who notified the police at once. After his arrest an investigation of the home was made. It was found that had had entered it through the cellar window in the hopes of reaching the main part of the house through the basement. The doors connecting the two floors being locked, his trouble was in vain.
Waived Examination.
Under ordinary procedure Wilson would have been taken before a justice for a preliminary hearing, but he waived this opportunity and will appear before the grand jury the last of this month.
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