

   Posted by: admin   in Scams

Fort Dodge Times Dec, 23, 1870


Sheriff Walz, has returned from a flying trip to Missouri, whither he went in search of a friend of Dr. Olney. It appears that a certain individual by the name of Freeman (no relation to W.D.J.) came to this city, some time during the past season, and represented himself as an agent of a wholesale house in the east, for the sale of Pianos. The Dr. wanted a Piano, and bought one of this man, giving his note for the amount, to be paid at some future time. The note was sold to Mr. Dwelle, at a discount. The Piano failing to arrive, as per agreement, the Dr. became uneasy, and, upon inquiry, soon lerned that the fellow was “non est.” An indictment was found by the Grand Jury in October last, a warrant for his arrest issued, and Sheriff Walz unearthed him down in Missouri, arriving home on Wednesday, via the D.M.V.R.R. (Des Moines Valley Railroad) Freeman is well, and in jail. No cards.

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