Posts Tagged ‘Sperry’


Little Doing in Fort Dodge on 4th

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment, Holidays

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 5, 1904

Little Doing in Fort Dodge on 4th

A Quiet Day Spent in the City Monday – Many People Going Out of Town.

German Picnic a Big Success

Twenty-five Hundred People Attend the Annual Outing Held at Oleson Park – Many People Go To Eagle Grove and Lehigh.

Fourth of July has come and gone; the instruments of torture to the ear drum have had their sway; the anxious parent is glad the day is past and that little Willie is spared for at least another Fourth; little Willie is sorry but he had a good time while it lasted.

There were a number of features that marked the Fourth this year. One of them was that there was a general exodus to surounding (sic) towns and places of amusement and the other was the comparatively few casualties as the result of the celebration with powder and punk. Fort Dodge passed a quiet, happy Fourth at home and its people abroad, from all reports, succeeded in having a good time.

The celebrations at Eagle Grove and Lehigh baseball games at Boone and the German Lutheran picnic at Oleson park, divided up the army of pleasure seekers. Eagle Grove drew several hundred people and a large delegation went down to Lehigh. The loyal fans went down to Boone and saw the White Sox go down to defeat, while 2,500 members of the German Lutheran church and their friends enjoyed th e day under the sylvan shades of Oleson park.

Quiet in the City.

When it is said that the Fourth was a quiet day in Fort Dodge it is not meant that there ws an absence of noise. On the contrary there was much doing in that line. There was a big contrast between yesterday and the same day a year ago however. On that day there were hundreds of visitors here for the big celebration and the usual excitement attending a large number of people was increased by the accident which befell the young woman, Clara Rasmussen, whose fatal attempt to perform the “slide for life” act from the northwest corner of the court house probably had much to do toward having no celebration this year. Few people came to Fort Dodge for the Fourth this year while many left the city and for this reason the day was uneventful.

In the way of making noise, there was plenty of it. The cannon and firecaracker started early in the morning and boomed until long after dark. The street cars furnished a source of amusement to many people. Placing torpedoes n the tracks, sometimes for a whole block or more, evidently was greatly enjoyed, since it was repeated many time. Taking everything into consideration, there was probably as much spent for fireworks this year as in years past.

Eagle Grove and Lehigh.

The morning train on the Great Western carried a big crowd of Fort Dodgers to Eagle Grove and the train at 12:20 caried (sic) others. It was a tired and sleepy looking party that arrived home at 8 o’clock this morning, five hours late. Many of the visitors had remained in Eagle Grove, expecting to come home on the Minneapolis flyer, which arrives here at 3:11 a.m. A wreck near Clarion, however, delayed the train and the excursionists did not arrive until 8 o’clock.

Aside from numbers Fort Dodge was well represented at the Eagle Grove celebration by the presence of the Fifty-sixth regimental band and the speaker of the day, M.F. Healy. Mr. Healy delivered the Fourth of (sic) address at the opera house at 11:30. His speech was a scholarly effort along a line that touched all who heard it. The speaker was well received and the frequent interruptions by applause was evidence of the appreciation of the audience.

At Lehigh the baseball game between Lehigh and the East Fort Dodge teams was one of the big featuers. There were other features characteristic of the Fourth of July, including a display of fireworks in the evening.

Picnicers (sic) Are Numerous.

Numerous smal (sic) picnic parties were to be found in every direction. The heavy rain of Sunday night spoiled many plans, but nevertheless there were no few who braved the possibility of encountering wet ground. Among the other picnics was the German Evangelical picnic up the river.

Germans Have a Good Time.

The members of the German Lutheran church who attended the annual picinc (sic) enjoyed themselves immensely. The German picnic was the only big event of the day in Fort Dodge and it was a success in every particular. The weather of the day before, which threatened the success of picnics and excursions, promised no better for the big outing at Oleson park, but the day dawned smiling and the sun coming to the aid of the picnicers (sic) did much to make the day the success it proved to be. About twenty-five hundred people attended. The pupils of the German Lutheran school went out tot he park in the morning. Accompanied by the Juvenile band they left the school in a body and proceeded to Central avenue where they boarded street cars for the park.

Besides the athletic features which made up the afternoon’s program, the temporary bowling alley afforded a means of enjoyment.

The Prize Winners.

The following events took place and were won by those persons names below.

100 yard dasy – Won by Ernest Zuerrer; Fred Knigge, second.

Fat ladies race – Won by Mrs. Amanda Craft; Mrs. Fritag, second.

Fat man’s race – Won by E. Peschau; Fred Willie, second.

Sweet sixteen race – Won by Freda Trost. Amanda Schwabbauer, second.

Sack race – Won by W. Sperry, George Adams, second.

Married ladies’ race – Won by Mrs. Paashke; Mrs. Phillip Miller second, Mrs. Henry Hueners, third.

Tug of war – Won by Herman Willie and team; second by Willie Stahlbock and team.

Misses’ race – Won by Miss Olga Pashke; Miss Helen Cramer, second; Miss Emma Dahlin, third.

Wheel barrow race – Won by George Habenicht; Henry Hein, second.

Broad jump – Won by Herman Kolbe; Oscar Gunther, second; William Sternitzke, third.

Ladies’ whelbarrow (sic) – Won by Clara Proeschold; Anna Becker, second.

Lifting fifteen pound weight – Won by C.J. Engels, lifting weight sixty-nine times; Chris Hohn, second, forty-six times.

Ladies throwing at doll rack – Won by Mrs. Harry Robb; Mrs. F.C. Ellis second; Mrs. August Knigge, third.

Bowling contest – First prize won by Henry Koeper, score 217; second, Chris Trost, 205; third Paul Schwaubbaur, 195; four William Kehm 188.

Ladies bowling – First prize won by Mrs. Kelso, 129; second, Mrs. Philips, 98, third, Miss Amelia Kein, 78; fourth, Christina 74.

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Short Messages

   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, People

The Evening Messenger: May 2, 1899

Short Messages

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bergess Hurley, a girl.

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George Walters is closing his sale of Wennerstrum bankrupt stock this week.

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C.M. Rudesill is unable to be at his place of business on account of sickness.

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C.W. Newton has taken a position with the Chronicle as book-keeper and canvasser.

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Lost – A pair of steel-bowed spectacles, on Central avenue. Finder please leave at this office.

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R.V. Brown has purchased the John Collins property on Fifth avenue south, just east of the C.W. Gardner residence. The property will be rented.

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A chance has been made in the management of the Salvation Army. Capt. Trusty has been transfererd (sic) to Huron S.D., and his place here has been taken by Capt. Tallman.

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Do you want help? Have you lost anything? Have you property for sale house for rent or any of the numerous “wants” and “losts”? If you have any of these you will find The Messenger want column just the place to get direct returns. It is one of the most interesting columns in the paper and is located on first page where it is read with interest every evening.

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The drawing for the quilt to be raffled by Mrs. J.A. Dodge will take place at the house Friday.

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Five teachers took the examinations with County Superintendent Findlay Friday and Saturday.

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Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Corey have closed up their house for the present and will spend the next month in Lehigh.

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The funeral of Mrs. M.G. Sperry occurred today from her home in Otho, the body being buried in Otho Cemetery.

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The death of Mrs. J.R. Clark occurred Monday at her home in Kalo. Deceased was 49 years of age. She was buried at 11 o’clock this morning in the Otho cemetery.

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Sioux City Tribune: A horseless carriage has been ordered for private use by a Fort Dodge business man. There is an air about that town that is good for other things besides pneumatic tires.

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The tags which will be place on all dogs by the city as a token of respectability have arrived and will be on demand after today. All dogs must wear these tags or they will be shot by the city marshal.

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At the council meeting last evening Charles Peterson was awarded the contract for putting in the storm sewer on First avenue south. Bids were received from John Riley and Frank McCann, but Mr. Peterson’s bid was considerably cheaper than any of the others and he was awarded the contract.

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Joe Cuppett who for the past seven or eight years has been doing the transfer business for the Fort Dodge Grocery house has sold his outfit to Dwight Lemon who will in the future operate this department of business for the grocery house. Mr. Cuppett has not yet decided upon what he will do in the future.

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Des Moines Leader: It now seems that the Fort Dodge Cyrano de Bergerac club is composed entirely of male membership. The girls’ association club is called the “Cinderella.” The Leader having been called down by the Post for saying that the young women poked their noses into other people’s affairs will now recant and make correction that they have simple put their foot in it – the slipper, of course.

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The soda fountains of the city are being charged, cleaned and put in readiness for the spring and summer demand for cooling drinks that will soon be with us. The work of preparing the fountains and charging them is a task of considerable magnitude and the merchants have been engaged in the work for some time. The sizzling soda water and the refreshing ice cream soda will soon be on tap.

George Gillman the obliging clerk of Campbell and Tower’s drug store spent Sunday with Webster City friends.

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The past week has witnessed considerable damage in the vicinity from the high winds. Among those who have been sufferers is Henry Hayler whose windows were blown in and his carpets and other interior furnishings considerably damaged by the rain. Another sufferer is Isaac Bird of Elkhorn who had several of his outbuildings injured. The roofs were torn from the barn, corn crib and buggy shed and some other damage done. Hans P. Greggerson, a farmer living near the poor farm, reports that a barn on his place was lifted from the foundation and completely turned around.

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A good representation of the Y.M.C.A. wheelman met at the association rooms Monday evening and perfected an organization. The members seemed to be enthusiastic and the prospect for an active membership is good. The following officers were elected: president, Dr. A.H. McCreight; captain, Irving Gates; secretary and treasurer, Almond Cochran. A committee of three consisting of R.H. Green, M.D. Hillegas and E.M. VanPatten was appointed to draw up a written constitution. A meeting will be held next Monday evening when this constitution will be presented for acceptance or rejection.

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L.S. Coffin has been invited to be the guest of the Biennial International convention which meets in New Orleans, La., May 8. The delegates of the north and Canada have a special train of Pullmans over the Illinois Central from Chicago and he is to meet them there and to be honored as their guest on the train and at the convention. This is a very large convention. There will be from 500 to 1,000 delegates besides several hundred visiting brothers of the order. He left this morning for Des Moines and from there will go on to Chicago. A large number will visit the home for disabled trainmen at Highland Park while in Chicago. Mr. Coffin goes into Chicago ahead of time to make ready for the visitors.

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Go to Phillips and Lockyer for hose, hose reals (sic), and lawn sprinklers.

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Afflicted Persons Allowed Freedom

   Posted by: admin    in Medical matters, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 9, 1904

Afflicted Persons Allowed Freedom

Smallpox Case at Merchants Hotel Leads to Discovery of Startling Facts.

Family Suffers From Disease

But Until Tuesday Not Reported – Meanwhile Guests Come and Go.

If the statement made by the health authorities is true a number of cases of smallpox have existed in the city for several weeks and until Tuesday no effort has been made to report the disease to the proper officers, nor was there quarantine established, the afflicted premises being accessible to many persons during the time the sickness existed.

Tuesday a case of smallpox was reported at the Merchant’s hotel between Seventh and Eighth streets on First avenue north. The place was quarantined and now it is said that an investigation had led to the discovery that the disease has existing in the hotel for some time. M. L. Sperry, the proprietor, his wife and several of the children have had the disease, according to the report, and the children have been attending school.

It is also claimed that a teacher in the school attended by the children has been a sufferer from the disease. The malady has existed in a light form and as the several members of the family have suffered from it they have been kept in their rooms, but no medical attendance has been engaged.

A few days ago, Harry Kettering, a man of all work who has been employed at the hotel for his board, who was taken sick and showed symptoms of the disease. He was sent to a physician by the proprietor and returned to the hotel saying that the doctor pronounced him to be suffering from smallpox. His case continued to grow worse and he was again sent to the physician. the latter reports that his visit Tuesday was the first and then it only took him a short time to discover that he was afflicted with smallpox.

The health authorities were immediately notified by the physician and the hotel placed under quarantine. This morning City Physician C.H. Churchill visited the hotel and was told by the proprietor that himself and family had suffered what seemed to be the same disease but that they recovered and medical attention was not necessary.

There were a number of quests at the hotel Tuesday and those who did not leave will probably have to remain in quarantine until released by the proper authorities. The particular danger that has existed has been the coming and going of guests at the hotel while the disease has been prevalent.

Kettering is now kept in a room at the hotel. This morning a man named Dean applied for the privilege of removing the patient to his home, where he said he would care for him. Kettering, it seems, had been at the Dean home since he has been suffering from smallpox and even if he is not removed there the house will probably be quarantined.

Providing is it learned where inmates of the hotel have been during the past week or so, several more quarantines may be established.

(Editor’s note: An update on this story is located here: West Fort Dodge Protests.)

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