Posts Tagged ‘Smeltzer’


Public Recital of Music

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 29, 1904

Public Recital of Music

Mrs. Smeltzer’s Pupils are Heard by Many Friends.

Recital Took Place at The Baptist Church and Caused Most Favorable Comments From All.

The pupils studying under the direction of Mrs. Smeltzer gave their final public recital last evening. The Baptist church is a delightful place for such an entertainment and the room was filled at an early hour not only by fond parents but outsiders interested in education, children and music.

The program, somewhat formidable in length moved off with great promptness and perfection, that the hour seemed very short.

One might be tempted to comment on this or that pupil, who by personal charm or skill left a particularly favorable impression. Such notice is however, not the object of such a program. It is rather to show the work of the school as a whole. The pupils are of all grades of natural ability, the proportion of genius and talent being no greater than is usual in such a number. The absolute accracy (sic) og (sic) their knowledge of their pieces, the beautiful quality of their tone and the musical phrasing and interpretations are therefore the highest tribute to the excellence of their training. The least showy pupil may record the greatest progress in mental and musical development.

It is pleasant to think how many homes are richer and brighter for this music and how many pupils are learning, almost unconsciously, the difficult lesson of self-control and self-expression.

(Editor’s note: This article is written in such a way to make me think that the pupils were less accomplished than enthusiastic, perhaps. There is no mention of any names of pupils or the works they performed. It makes me think that perhaps there were  few good performances and the writer was trying to live up to the saying, “if you can’t be kind, at least be vague.”)

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New Bank in Fort Dodge

   Posted by: admin    in Merchants, People, Real estate

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 11, 1903

New Bank in Fort Dodge

Ed Breen of Estherville and Tom Breen of This City Interested

Preliminary Plans are Made

Bank Will Occupy Present Palace Barber Shop Quarters – Dennis Coughlan to Be Cashier.

Ed Breen of Estherville, associated with his brother, Tom Breen, of this city, is to open a new bank in Fort Dodge within the next thirty days. The quarters on Central avenue, between Seventh and Eighth street, at present occupied by the Palace barber shop, will serve as headquarters for the new banking business, which will move in as soon as proper furnishings can be secured.

The new bank will have a capital of at least $50,000. Fred and Charles Larrabee will be included among the stockholders, and it is probable that Charles Larrabee will move to this city from his present home in Armstrong.

Dennis Coughlan, as present the teller of the First National bank, has accepted the position of cashier with the new organization.

The bank expects to do the commercial business which savings banks are allowed to do and at once step into a permanent place among the sound financial institutions of Fort Dodge.

Edward Breen is to move his resident from Estherville to Fort Dodge. He is expected to reach the city tonight.

(Editor’s note: I searched through several city directories from 1908 to 1935 at the Webster County Genealogical Society. The 1908 directory is the earliest one they have after 1898. In the 1908 directory, it gives the following information on the Iowa Savings Bank: Address, 715 Central Ave. Organized 1903. Capital $50,000; Surplus $11,000. President: E.J. Breen; Vice President: Charles Larrabee; Cashier: D.J. Coughlin; Assistant Cashier: C.B. Smeltzer.

The bank was still listed in the directories I checked through 1930. In 1931, it is no longer listed, and there is Scott’s Fruit Markets Inc. listed at that address. This is just east of The Messenger building. The building was torn down several years ago and made into a parking lot for Messenger employees. I don’t have any further information on why the bank ceased to exist, but it’s most likely a result of the Great Depression. Before 1930, there were about six banks in Fort Dodge (I didn’t keep track). After 1930, there were two.

In addition, by 1925, Ed Breen was no longer listed as president – that title went to Charles Larrabee. There were two vice presidents: Daniel Rhodes and C.B. Smeltzer. D.J. Coughlan was listed as Cashier and W.L. Hamilton and F.L. Shraon (sic) were assistant cashiers.)

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