Posts Tagged ‘Kirkup’


Strawberry Festival

   Posted by: admin    in Church news, People, Society news

The Webster County Gazette: May 14, 1880

Strawberry Festival

The Presbyterian ladies brought the first strawberries to town, and served them in the name and in behalf of the new temple. The attendance was good, the strawberries were delicious and the musical part of the entertainment was not less so. But the dishes were too large and the berries cost too much to make the speculation a very profitable one.  The berries cost the ladies 38 cents per quart. The receipts were about $80 and the net proceeds will be $20 or $25. The music was very enjoyable and the programme reads as follows:

Song Quintelle Club
Song Miss Rudesill
Duet Mr. Blanden and Miss Kirkup
Song Mrs. Johnston
Duet Messrs. Barnes and Davies
Song Miss Waldrop
Quartette Messrs. Blanden and Berry
Misses (unreadable) and Kirkup
Song Miss Paulin
Chorus with Solos Misses Rudesill and Welles

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