Posts Tagged ‘Bobziene’
Miscellaneous notices
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 26, 1903
H.A. Sampson is threatened with typhoid fever.
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Lester Heywood was in Fort Dodge over Sunday. -Manson Democrat
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The office of the Prusia Hardware company is being thoroughly cleaned and repainted.
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Marriage licenses were issued at the county clerks office Wednesday to the following persons: Frank Mars and Anna Jacobson of Boxholm, also to Fred B. Lynde of Stratford and Stella E. Eslick of Warner, Iowa.
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Charles Bobziene, a teamster, while standing on load of coal Wednesday, slipped and lost his balance from a sudden jerk of the horses. He fell to the pavement and sustained a severe sprain of his ankle.
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At a recent meeting of the base ball enthusiasts of Tobin college, Terry Doyle was elected captain and Alpha Butts manager. Captain Doyle hopes to have his line-up ready at an early date, so a schedule of games may be arranged.
Tags: 1903, Bobziene, Butts, Doyle, Eslick, Heywood, Jacobson, Lynde, Mars, Prusia Hardware, Sampson