Posts Tagged ‘Reese’


Interurban Strikes Second Autmobile

   Posted by: admin    in Harcourt, Interurban

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: July 1, 1913

Interurban Strikes Second Autmobile

Traveling Man is Injured When Interurban Hits Auto at Harcourt – Injuries Not Serious

(Special to the Chronicle)

Harcourt, Iowa, July 1 – As he was crossing the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern road at Harcourt Dan Reese, a traveling man for a Hardware company of Rockwell City was struck yesterday by the afternoon interurban which leaves Fort Dodge at three o’clock. Reese was approaching the crossing when he killed his engine. He was unable to stop the auto in time to avoid being struck.

The car hit the auto about in the center. It was carried for about forty yards, resting on the cow catcher. When the interurban was stopped the auto was one complete wreck. That Reese was uninjured except for a few bruises is considered miraculous. None of his injuries are expected to result seriously.

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