
Judge Kenyon Removes to Chicago

   Posted by: admin   in People

The Dayton Review: Oct. 25, 1906

Judge Kenyon Removes to Chicago

It is with mingled pleasure and regret that the people of this vicinity learn of the removal of Judge W.S. Kenyon of Fort Dodge from this county. He has been appointed general attorney

William Squire Kenyon

William Squire Kenyon of Fort Dodge. Photograph from the Library of Congress. Source: Harris & Ewing, photographer

of the Illinois Central railroad, for which he has been district attorney for a number of years, and takes up his new duties at once with headquarters at Chicago. His promotion is indeed a deserved one, and earned by his fidelity to the duties of his profession. In that his friends indeed rejoice.
The regret that is universal is the fact of his removal from this county. For sixteen years he has been located at the county seat in the practice of his profession. During that time he has built up, not only an immense practice by his industry and his energy, but has endeared himself to everyone by the greatness of his integrity and his manhood. Loved and respected by everyone, he carries with

him the sincere good wishes of all to his new field of labor.

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