
City Physician Says Boil Water

   Posted by: admin   in Medical matters

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 11, 1903

City Physician Says Boil Water

Impurities in City Water Are Caused by its Being Turned in Direct From River

Thinks Plant is Inadequate

High Water Necessitates Cleansing of Galleries at Water System, Which in Turn Necessitates Turning in Water Direct From River

“Every one should boil the city water before using,” says Health Physician C.H. Churchill.

Monday the water was turned into the galleries direct from the river, and in the opinion of the health physician its consumption is unsafe unless it has first been boiled. The river at the present time is at a high state, a fact making it all the more necessary that the water should be in some manner purified before using.

The high water has necessitated a recent cleansing of the galleries at the head of Duck Island. To do this it became necessary to empty the galleries and then they had been cleaned, the consumption of water made it necessary to refill them direct from the river. At the present high state of water, which has been maintained for the greater part of the spring and summer, the river contains much vegetable and animal matter. This being true, the health physician advises every consumer to boil the water before using.

It is the opinion of Dr. Churchill that the water plan is inadequate to meet the demands of the city and do so with entire satisfaction.

(Editor’s note: In March 1903, Dr. Churchill pronounced the water safe to drink.)

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