
Serious Coasting Accident Occurs

   Posted by: admin   in Accident

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 20, 1906

Serious Coasting Accident Occurs

Ten Year Old Son of L.E. Blake, Badly Injured on West Fort Dodge Hill

His Life is Despaired Of

Hand Sled, on Which he Was Reclining Strikes Bob Sled on Curve, And Boy is Rendered Unconscious. – He Has Suffered Internal Injuries.

Never in the history of Fort Dodge has there been as many coasting accidents as have taken place this winter. The most recent accident took place Friday evening on the dangerous West Fort Dodge hill, known far and wide as Swedetown Hill. The little ten year old son of L.E. Black while sliding down this hill struck a bob sled, the shock rendering him unconscious for over an hour. A physician being called, it was found that he was seriously injured internally.

For hours the physicians worked over him and it did not seem that he could live through the night. This morning he is somewhat better, but the worst is feared, although as yet the family is hopeful of the recovery of their small child.

It seems miraculous that this is the first accident of serious nature that has taken place on this dangerous hill. For length and for steepness there is no hill within miles of Fort Dodge to compare with it. With the curve that shuts out all view of teams from below and with the high sides which makes it impossible to dodge them, after a small sled has gained the momentum that it does on this hill.

With numerous companions, young Blake started out to slide Friday evening. Everything went well for a time and then the accident which has been feared for months by fond mothers took place and the life of one small boy was nearly crushed out.

Young Blake was lying flat on his stomach on the sled. He gained a good start and his sled was speeding with terrific momentum when it rounded the curve and the approaching team was seen. Doubtless the little fellow did everything in his power to dodge the team but every effort was fruitless, for his sled crashed into the side of the bob. His head must have struck the runner, for he was rendered unconscious. When taken home it was speedily discovered that he was injured internally, for hemorrhage followed hemorrhage and the family were fearful that life might go out at any moment.

This morning the conditions were more favorable. However, the worst must be prepared for, for as yet it is impossible to state how badly he is injured internally.

The Blake family returned to Fort Dodge from Arizona only a few weeks ago. They had moved to the south, but did not like the country so returned to Fort Dodge. The father is employed as a machinist and the family is well known here.

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