
Wonderful Vitality of a Cow

   Posted by: admin   in Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 13, 1904

Wonderful Vitality of a Cow

Dragged by Locomotive and Rolled Down Embankment.

Found Standing in Creek by Owner Next Morning and is Driven Home – Rib Through Lungs.

A cow belonging to A.J. Hilton of this city, passed through an experience on Sunday night that would seem incredible when the fact is taken into consideration that she still lives and will probably recover. The bovine in question was pastured in a small enclosure bordering on the M. & St.L. tracks on Soldier Creek, a little way from the cemetery. On Sunday night she evidently got through the fence into the railroad right of way, where she was caught by the midnight passenger train going north. It is supposed that in some manner the animal got caught in the pilot of the locomotive and was dragged alonside (sic) for some distance.

Rolled Down Embankment.

She was finally wrenched loose by the motion of the train and went rolling down a steep embankment through a barbed wire fence into old Soldier Creek. In the morning when found by her owner, she was standing up in the creek and although badly scratched up was able to walk home. A veterinary was sent for and u pon examination it was found that a rib had been broken and had penetrated one lung of the animal. The veterinary did what he could for her and she seemed to be getting along all right with some chance of recovery. The side of the grade, where the cow had pounded along over the ties, was badly torn up, showing how far she had been dragged, and the wonder is great that any animal could have stood that amount of grief and have lived and been able to walk after it.

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