
Local Couple to be Married Soon

   Posted by: admin   in Marriage

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 15, 1905

Local Couple to be Married Soon

C.W. Iddings and Miss Tersa (sic) Cosgrove to be Married at Dubuque.

C.W. Iddings, the well known pharmacist who has been employed at the Sackett & Haire Drug Store for the past year, leaves tomorrow morning for a day’s visit with  his sister in Odeboldt, going on to Dubuque Saturday evening. Tuesday morning at the home of the bride’s parents, Miss Teresa Cosgrove will be u nited in marriage to Mr. Iddings, by Father Carey and the same afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Iddings will leave for Salem, Oregon, where they will make their new home. Mr. Iddings’ people live at Salem, and the young couple will make their home there. They will stop at Colorado Springs, Denver, Salt Lake City and Porland (sic) on their way west. The many friends of both young people in this city will be pleased to hear of their marriage although all will regret to lose both of them from Fort Dodge.

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