
Free Want Ads For Present Week

   Posted by: admin   in Advertising

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Sept. 19, 1910

Free Want Ads For Present Week

Readers’ Attention is Directed to The Enlarged Classified Department of This Issue

This evening the first of the free Want Ads appear, and during each evening this week The Chronicle will given (sic) free service to any who desires same, merely for the purpose of demonstrating to the people of Fort Dodge more thoroughly than has ever been done before the benefit of the Chronicle’s classified department.

The number given today is a large one and if the reader will look over the same he may find some article he desires to purchase, or may find some one who is looking for some particular article which he has for sale. Read them every evening during this week, and by that time the habit will be so firmly fixed with you that it will be one of the departments never overlooked in reading the evening paper. There are hundreds of good bargains offered and there are a great many opportunities to dispose of certain articles.

During the present week, as has been announced in these columns in the past, a free service will be given to the people of Fort Dodge and vicinity. This offer is open to all, whether subscribers of the Chronicle or not, and is merely made to demonstrate the value of classified advertising. All ads received up to noon each day will appear in that evening’s issue of The Chronicle, but they must be forwarded by mail or brought to this office as under this offer we would be swamped if an effort was made to take the same over telephone. That a large number were received at this office after noon t0-day accounts for their non-appearance this evening, but they will be found under the proper classification on Tuesday evening and will be run for the remainder of the week unless the party inserting the same notifies us their wants have been supplied.


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