
Elopers Narrowly Missed by Officers

   Posted by: admin   in People, Scandals

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Sept. 25, 1908

Elopers Narrowly Missed by Officers

Forest City Couple Leave City Short Time Before Officers are Telephoned to Detain Them.

Thursday evening and just a few minutes after the departure of the Illinois Central train for the east, the police department was called up over the long distance telephone from Forest City by William Noonan and the officers were asked to detain a young man named Cole and the daughter of the complainant, who had eloped from Forest City. A hurried investigation was made by the officers and sufficient information secured to result in the belief the couple spent the day in Fort Dodge, coming here on the early morning Minnapolis & St. Louis train, and departing for the east over the Illinois Central.

According to the description received by the officers from the father of the girl, the young man, who answers to the name of Cole, is about twenty-one years of age, five feet ten inches in height, dark complexioned, and wore when last seen a blue suit, low shoes and a black soft hat. The girl is only sixteen years of age, light complexioned, with light, sandy hair, and wore a brown jacket and skirt. The father of the young girl not only opposes a match between the couple, but will also file a more serious charge against the young man if he is apprehended, that of abduction.

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