A Lost Pair of Pajamas
The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 28, 1906
A Lost Pair of Pajamas
Fort Dodge Man Loses Pajamas in Sleeper; Notifies Compnay (sic).
Not a very long time ago, one of the railroad offices of this city received a letter from a prominent official in a certain establishment of this city asking for the return of a pair of pajamas which he lost in a sleeper while on his way to Chicago.He asked that they be sent to him. The railroad company sent on the letter to the Pullman company who sent back a reply which has caused a good joke. Their letter regretted to say that the pair of pajamas which were left in the berth had not been located but replied by saying that a pair of ladies hose was found in the same berth and requested the Fort Dodge gentleman to put in a claim for them if they belonged to him. This letter the railroad company sent to him. While lying on a desk in the office of the establishment of which the man is a local head, the letter was placed in the mail sent to the headquarters of the establishment in Grand Rapids. At first the young lady who opened the missent letter was shocked but soon she recovered her equilibruim (sic) and showed it to the other twelve stenographers who are employed in the office. It was then returned to the man here. All of his friends who are in on the joke are giving him the horse laugh, notwithstanding his strenuous efforts to keep the affair a secret. It is too good to keep.
Tags: 1906
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