Married: Cheney – Fox
The Iowa North West: April 11, 1865
At the residence of James Strow, Esq., on Tuesday, the 4th of April, by Rev. C.F. Boynton, Capt. W.H. Cheney, late of the 2d Cavalry, and Miss Ednie Fox, of Fort Dodge.
We were apprised of the important affair above announced, by finding upon our table a very fine cake of liberal proportions, ornamented with one of Mr. Chase’s “pictorials.” Knowing that our judgement in these matters is not perfect, we shared the offering with a few friends who are judges, and they unanimously voted the cake excellent. We trust that “when this cruel war is over,” the Captain will return with his bride, and find a happy home in our pleasant village on the Upper Des Moines.
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on Monday, April 11th, 2011 at 11:54 am and is filed under Marriage, People.
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