Posts Tagged ‘Tower’
The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 30, 1905
The Wolves Kill Great Many Sheep
Seems to be a Great Many at Large and They are Working Havoc Generally.
Sport for the Hunters
Farmers Appeal to Fort Dodge Sportsmen to Shoulder Their Guns and Kill Off or Scare off all The Wolves In The Vicinity.
Farmers all around the city are complaining that the wolves are doing great damage at their farms and think that some of the enthusiastic sportsmen shoudl shoulder their muskets and proceed to down the foe.
The farms where sheep are raised, seem to be the most pestered and at the Rutledge farm and Tower farms, especially, they have noticed losses because of the wolves. The little animals are bcoming (sic) a regular nuisance and seem to be about in unusually large numbers.
In speaking of it Monday, a farmer from west of town said:
“Yes, indeed, the wolves are running wild and there seems to be a great many of them. We have had several losses of sheep and probably will have more. I wish that some of these great hunters around town would come out our way and kill a lot of hte wolves off, or scare them away, or something.”