The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 1, 1905
John Swanson, one of the hands who are employed on the bridge gang, was quite badly hurt by a falling plank one day last week. The plank struck him in the face and resulted in breaking his nose and bruising his face in general.
Little Pearl Chase, of Trenton, North Dakota, arrived in Gowrie Monday morning. Pearl is going to make her home with her aunt, Mrs. F.N. Brunson and attend school here as there is no school convenient where her parents live.
Miss Ruby Osborn is sick at present with tonsilitis.
Mrs. Clark left here for Minneapolis Monday evening where she expects to visit with friends for a few days.
Little Gladys and Helen Spangler have been on the sick list lately.
Mr. and Mrs. Chase of Fort Dodge visited with their daughter, Mrs. T.N. Brunson, the fore part of the week.
Wedding bells are ringing. Have you heard their chimes?
Miss Lucy Chock who has been attending school in Clare, is visiting with her parents at present.
Walter Evans of Worthington, Minn. who has been visiting for a few days with his mother, Mrs. O.E. Evans, returned home Monday, accompanied by his two children who have been visiting with their grandmother for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson of Callender were visiting friends in Gowrie Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Burgoon of Paton were transacting business in Gowrie last Saturday.
The E.L. social held at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Wertz was quite well attended in spite of the inclemency of the weather and about $9 was raised (about $216 today).
Mrs. Hibbard of Lorhville is visiting friends and relatives in town this week.
Oscar Lungren who is attending the Ames Agricultural college is home for the Easter vacation.
Tags: 1905, Brunson, Burgoon, Chase, Chock, Clark, Evans, Hibbard, Johnson, Lungren, Osborn, Spangler, Swanson, Wertz