Posts Tagged ‘Soppeland’
The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 27, 1904
Child Dies in Mother’s Arms
Sad Death of Infant of Mrs. Jorgen Soppeland
Mother Had Child Wrapped in Shawl While Attending Sheldon Funeral at Badger.
While enroute to the cemetery Tuesday with the body of the late Oliver Sheldon, a resident of Badger, the four months old baby of Mrs. Jorgen Soppeland died. To protect the child from the severe winds the mother wrapped a covering about it, believing it perfectly protected from exposure. Not until the cemetery was reached was it discovered that the baby was other than well, when in stepping from the cariage (sic) the covering was removed and the baby found dead. The immediate cause of its death was not known until a physician pronounced it due to heart failure.
The little one seemed in perfect health prior to the journery (sic) to the cemetery and was bright and exhibited no signs of disease. The incident is particularly sad and is made even more so under the existing circumstances.