Posts Tagged ‘San Francisco earthquake’


Collect Unique Stamps

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 12, 1906

Collect Unique Stamps

People Throughout Country Ready to Purchase Rare Stamps – Frisco Letters Marked “Earthquake.”

Since the disaster at San Francisco enthusiastic stamp collectors have been adding to their unique collections. Every available piece of writing maing (sic) material was used during the dreadful week folowing (sic) the earthquake for friends and relatives were gladdened by the receipt of a bit of old card board or a tiny scrap of paper.

The post offices all over the country delivered missives from the stricken city, free of charge to the sender. The writer would substitute the word “earthquake,” “no stamps to be had” or collect at destination,” in place of stamps. sometimes a substitute, either an out of date stamp or old revenue stamp was used, but regardless of the method of attempting to provide substitutes the postoffices have cancelled the corners, making the relic of “philatelic” value.

The redemption division of the post office department has been busily engaged in redeeming thousands of ruined stamps and stamped envelopes which have been sent back east from the postoffices of San Francisco. The postmasters were credited with the full amount and received new stamps and envelopes.

Stamp collecting has become one of the fads of this country. The enthusiastic collector will work overtime, nights and Sundays to secure a rare specimen, an error or a freak. The recent earthquake has been the means by which several unique relics will be secured for future reference when their value is assured.

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