Posts Tagged ‘pure food law’
Market Gossip
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 2, 1907
Market Gossip
Good news for the housewife. Eggs have declined in price. They are now retailing around twenty-two cents per dozen as against twenty-seven and twenty-eight cents at this time last week. The hens have again gone to work and the strike has been ended. The breaking of the Chicago market price also has had an effect upon the local market. More eggs are being brought in now so that the farmers will feel the decline as much as if the output of eggs remained the same as under the old price. Farmers are getting twenty cents per dozen now as against twenty-five cents last week. One grocer said that the price would probably decline to fifteen cents per dozen if warm weather continues.
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“The pure food law has not made a particle of difference with me,” remarked a Central Avenue grocer this morning between spells of work. “Before the beginning of the year I don’t think I had over twenty dollars worth of impure good in the store. But the fellow that it has hit hard is the Chicago mail order houses. I see that Sears Roebuck has gone out of the grocery business and that the other mail order concerns are thinking of doing the same. You see they cannot sell pure food at the prices they advertise. There is no question about that. I should think they would have to close down in their drug departments, too, from the same cause.
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A dealer in butter was kicking about the way some women of this city complain about the keeping qualities of the butter sent them and laid the blame upon the housewife’s shoulders. Said he: “Just a few minutes ago, a woman telephoned to me and asked that some more butter be sent up to the house in exchange for some I sent her three or four days ago. She said that the first butter was already very rancid. I asked her where she kept it and she told me in the cellar. Further questioning brought out the fact that the cellar is very warm because of a furnace heating plant. Instead of keeping her butter out of doors where it would keep sweet and nice for weeks, that woman keeps it in a warm cellar where any butter no matter how fresh, would not keep for more than three or four days. Tell ’em to keep their butter where it is cool and then it will keep fresh.”
Tags: 1907, butter, eggs, pure food law