Posts Tagged ‘historical society’


Historical Society is Exploited

   Posted by: admin    in Organizations

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 16, 1906

Historical Society is Exploited

Residents of the City are Considering the Matter Seriously.

May Be Organized Very Soon.

Scheme Provides for the Exhibition of Objects of Historical Value and Filing of Authentic Records – Interest is Manifested.

A movement is on foot to organize a local historical society.Nothing has been done as yet towards making the mater (sic) an actuality, other than to discuss the feasibility of such an organization, its requirements and mode of maintenance, but it is very probable that within a short time amtters will be so arranged that it may be placed before the public.

The promoters of the idea first conceived the scheme of organization during the recent Golden Jubilee of the First Congregational church in the city at which time Rev. Breed delivered a stereoptican lecture on the “Faces and Scenes of Fifty Years Ago.” The lecture dealt with the early pioneers and the old land marks which are fast disappearing to make way for modern life and progress in such a manner as to cause a few to realize what the city of fifty years ago really means from a historical standpoint and how we are letting the means of authentically recording this history slip from our grasp. They immediately set about to reduce things to a practical basis and in very short time a meeting will be called which will be open to all those desiring to lend their individual aid along these particular lines.

The scheme, as it has formulated itself so far, is to maintain a temporary home for such objects of historical value as would be either loaned or given to the trustees of the society which would be on exhibition to the public at all times. When funds and occasion permit a permanent home for these relics of other days would be erected. A plan for the gathering together of all material of historical value dealing with the early pioneer life  of the city, that not so remote, and the later history will be followed up and placed in such hands as would make it an authentic record, which will be placed in a place of safety for generations to come.

When it is realized how small the number of pioneer settlers is how fast that number is being made smaller then will be realized the importance the organization and the maintenance of such a society.

Many years (ago) Major William Williams wrote a history of Fort Dodge. This is the only thing of its kind that the city has, and to which the citizens may refer in case of desiring to learn the things which transpired during the earlier days. The only other documents we have are human ones, and from them will be gathered that which will fill in the gaps necessarily made.

All interested will undoubtedly give this matter their individual attention, and assist in what way they may in the organization of a local historical society.

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