Posts Tagged ‘hats’


Of Interest to Women

   Posted by: admin    in Fashion

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 15, 1907

Of Interest to Women

Th (sic) old time lisle and cotton gloves will be worn this summer. they will be made up into four, twelve or sixteen button lengths, though the long ones will undoubtedly be the best sellers.

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Buttons will be used more than ever as trimming for the spring gowns, especially the big velvet covered ones. For outside coats, bone ones will be used entirely.

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All the mustard shades will be seen this spring, onion tones will again have a run of popularity and the soft yellows will be decidedly the newest of the lighter pastel shades.

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Shepherd plaids an inch or three-quarters in size in shades of brown and tan, or several of the new hydranega (sic) blues blended into each other will be worn for the most fashionable shirt waist suits.

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Some of the new parasols are finished  wtih (sic) wide edge of fringe either the knotted silk strands or the single threads. Of course must (sic) of these fringes are of the same color as the parasol itself.

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Quaint leghorn hats of coarse weave with drooping brims, flower crowns and ribbons bows falling over the hair are very good this season. They take one back to old time gardens, sun dials and soft summer afternoons of which we love to read.

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All shades of pink are to be very popular this year, but the soft delicate shades will be the favorites. Most of them are made up with quantities of handsome white lace.

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