Posts Tagged ‘garden’


Planting Time in Earnest

   Posted by: admin    in Farm life, Food, Household

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 14, 1906

Planting Time in Earnest

Seed Men Sell Large Quantities – Everyone Has an Early Garden in The Back Yard.

“Planting time is on in earnest,” said a groceryman who handles large quantities of garden seeds. “The sales this year have been the best for three seasons. Two times my stock of seeds has been nearly exhausted and has had to be replenished. Nearly everybody has at least a little back ward (sic) garden where they can spend their spare time and which gives them pride in its appearance. Some peculiar things happen in selling garden seeds. Though nothing as ludicrous at that old story of the man who wanted to plant dried apples ever happened here, yet I can recall a good many occasions where the greenness of the purchaser was pretty apparent. I’ve had them ask if egg plant grew on a tree or a vine, if watermelon planted right away wouldn’t be ready to eat by July 4th, if it was possible to raise prunes in this climate and lots more I can’t think of.”

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