Posts Tagged ‘dynamite’
Violate the Postal Laws
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 26, 1906
Violate the Postal Laws
Estherville Firm Sends Dynamite Through the Mails.
Estherville, Iowa, March 26 – (Special to the Messenger) A story has been circulated in this vicinity that several violations of the postal laws have taken place in that sticks of dynamite have been sent as fourth class mail matter.
The matter became known Saturday when a farmer residing near Grettinger (sic) Iowa telephoned to this city, and told a firm here to send him another stick of dynamite by mail. It was then discovered that this firm packs the dynamite in small boxes, and marks the box “files” or some other form of hardware of similar from (sic – should be form) and weight.
the dynamite is then shipped to the person who wishes it. This man has been drilling a well, and the sand point broke off at the bottom. he used one stick of dynamite and it failed to explode. He received this stick by mail and it was when he was ordering the second stick that the matter was discovered.
This is a very dangerous practice and is strictly forbidden in the government postal regulations. Dynamite often explodes from concussion, and a stick packed like this one was might easily be struck in such a manner as to cause it to explode. The mail is handled on trains which to not stop at the different stations, and it seems a miracle that the dangerous explosive could have been thrown about in a sack, as this was, with out being fired off.
Some of the mail clerks have heard of the matter, and it is understood that for personal protection, they will take the matter up with the proper authorities, and see that the firm that shipped this explosive in this magger is held for it.
An examination of the postal laws shows that no set fine or term of imprisonment is set for the offense, but that the general practice for an offense of this kind is to give five years imprisonment or a fine of $5,000.000 or both.