Posts Tagged ‘diabetes’
The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 1, 1903
In Memoriam
August Lindahl, whose death occurred Tuesday at his home in West Fort Dodge was one of the best known and highly respected citizens of the community in which he lived. For twenty-three years he has made his home in this city, and during this time he has made his mark as a man of industry and worth. His death is generally regretted.
August Lindahl was born in Sweden on March 26, 1853. He came to the United States to live thirty-two years ago, and settled first in Illinois, where he followed the pursuit of forming. Twenty-three years ago he decided to come farther west, and traveling by wagon, as last reached Fort Dodge and settled on the west side of the river.
During two terms of two years each, Mr. Lindahl was a member of the city council, elected on the republican ticket, and in this manner was identified with the city’s management. His services in this capacity proved his ability and devotion to the city’s interests.
For the past two years, Mr. Lindahl has been a sewer contractor, but of late had not been active in his business on account of his sickness with diabetes, the disease which finally caused his death. It is a sad coincidence that four years ago Adolph, Mr. Lindahl’s only son, died from the same disease. Mr. Lindahl leaves one daughter, Amanda.
Deceased was a member of the West Fort Dodge fire department, whose members feel deeply the loss of one of their number.
Shortly before his death Mr. Lindahl made a will whose contents have not as yet been public.
The funeral will be held from the West Side Methodist Episcopal church at 2 o’clock on Thursday afternoon.
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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 2, 1903
West Fort Dodge Business Houses Closed
Honor Shown to Late August Lindahl Whose Funeral Was Held This Afternoon.
Business in West Fort Dodge was practically at a standstill this afternoon on account of the funeral services of the late August Lindahl, which were held from the Riverside M. E. church at 2 o’clock this afternoon. The merchants of West Fort Dodge without exception, closed their places of business during the time in which the funeral was in progress.
The services were conducted by Rev. C.J. Messenger, pastor of the church, and were in every way suitable to the sad occasion. Interment was made in the cemetery in West Fort Dodge.
The West Fort Dodge fire department of which Mr. Lindahl was a member, attended the funeral in a body.