Posts Tagged ‘Bergen’
The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 27, 1903
B.J. Foster is an Object Lesson
And the Moral is; Do Not Yield, Unlawfully, to the Pangs of Hunger
Foster Stole Roll of Bologna
Was Interrupted by Police Officers in Midst of Epicurean Banquet. Police News
B.J. Foster yielded to the calls of hunger on Tuesday and as a result, entered a plea of guilty to disorderly conduct in police court this morning. He was fined $1 and costs, and went to jail where he will play a waiting game.
Foster entered the purlieus of the Rock Island yards on Tuesday afternoon, and as he wandered about the yards trying to still the pangs of hunger which were rending his interior, he happened upon an open box car, wherein reposed a sack of succulent, appetizing bologna. The sight was too much for human eyes, at least for Foster’s eyes. Out came his trusty jack knife with one fell swoop the sack was cut open, and Foster wandered up the platform, with his mouth full of sausage and his heart full of peace.
Station employees noticed Foster wrapped in gastronomic bliss, investigated, discovered the robbery, and called the police. This morning when charged with his crime, Foster admitted taking some apricots, but said not a word about the bologna, thus riveting the chains of guilt more clostly about him.
Henry Clark, plain drunk paid over the regular allowance into the exchequer of the city, and John Bergen, up on a similar charge, went to jail.
Tags: 1903, Bergen, Clark, Foster, Rock Island Railroad