Posts Tagged ‘1862’


Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Machines

   Posted by: admin    in Household

The Democrat: March 1, 1862

Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Machines

It has been our fortunate lot, or (rather that of our “better half” to become the owner of one of the above named Sewing Machines. It is useless to deny that these Machines surpass in EVERY respect all other Machines of the kind manufactured. There are not less than a half dozen in our town and the admiration of the “fair six” (sic) is beyond all bounds. Most other Machines compared with this patent are like a “mud wagon” compared with a rail road car. See Advertisement in our columns.



Lamentable Casualty

   Posted by: admin    in Death, obituary, People

The Democrat: May 3, 1862

Lamentable Casualty

With regret we announce the death of Mrs. Julia F. Sherman, wife of S.M. Sherman Esq., – our present Postmaster – Mrs. Tirzah V. Sherman, and infant daughter Kate M., wife and daughter of C.A. Sherman, who were unfotunately (sic) drowned in crossing the Boon River on the 24th of April on their return home after an abscence (sic) of some months visiting their relations in the East.

When the sad fate of these ladies was announced, universal sorrow prevailed throghout (sic) our whole community. The deceased ranked among our oldest and most respected citizens. ‘Tis painful to think of the lamentable occurrence. With fond hopes of soon meeting their relatives and friends, who were waiting to receive them when they could say “we are almost home,” the lamentable occurrence took place that caused their death. The bodies were all recovered and brought to this place.

On Saturday the 26th inst. they were accompanied to the grave by a very large number of friends and relations – business was suspended in a great measure throughout the day, every one appeared to sorrow and realize the truth “That in the midst of life we are in death.” We most sincerely sympathize with the relations of the deceased.
