The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 19, 1905
Grocery Store is Burglarized
McIntyre & Mallon Store Was Entered Saturday Evening
The Glass Cut From Window
Four Dollars in Cash and Small Amount of Goods Taken — Work That of an Amatuer (sic) and is Attributed to Local Parties.
Though Fort Dodge has been for the past few months exceptionally free from the usual class of sneak thieves and dishonest characters that infest a city of this size, and most of its citizens have entertained the opinion that petty thievery had been abolished, through the activity of the local police, an occurrence which took place in the city Saturday evening will show that a few undesirable characters still inhabit the town and manage to secure an occasional opportunity to ply their nefarious trades to the loss of respectable people. The information has been conveyed to the police that the McIntyre & Mallon grocery located on South Sixth street was entered late Saturday evening and the contents of the cash register rifled. Entrance was effected by cutting out a pane of glass in a rear window, and by means of the opening thus created, raising the window sufficient to allow the thieves to enter the store.
About four dollars in cash was taken from the drawer and a few dollars’ worth of cigars and tobacco stolen. The work is evidently that of an amateur and is attributed by the police and the proprietors of the store to local parties.
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