The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 1, 1914
Special Officer to Assist Sheriff Southeast of City
Residents Near Factories Complain of Awful Orgies
Matter Taken in Hand
Because of many calls from the east end of the city to the sheriff’s office a deputy sheriff will be appointed who is a resident in that section, and who will be on the ground to look after disturbances out there. Trouble occurs practically every pay day in that locality.
Tuesday night there was the usual call but on an officer’s arrival on the scene, the party of rioters had been warned and had made their getaway. There were evidences of a hilarious time in the large number of emptied containers of liquid refreshments. These periodical parties are held at the fair grounds and are of a nature that keeps the residents of that section awake far into the night.
A wagon load of beer, some women of the underworld and a big bunch of laborers compose these gatherings in the report. The night is made hideous. It appears that they are generally warned that complaint has been made. Although several trips have been made to haul in such parties they have disappeared in each instance before the arrival of officers.
With an officer present in that section, it is believed the orgies may be stopped. The officer will locate the crowds before they are really opened up on the evening’s entertainment, and will summon necessary help and round up the bunch before they are warned.
There are certain women, it is said, who do not operate in the city proper, but lie low and go out after laborers are paid off at factories. It is the plan to put a crimp in the whole business which has become a very serious source of annoyance to the residents in the southeast portion of the city.
Tags: 1914
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