
Man With Shotgun Accidentally Kills His Own Wife

   Posted by: admin   in Accident, Death

The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 2, 1914

Man With Shotgun Accidentally Kills His Own Wife

Badger, April 2 – Special: The accidental discharge of a shotgun carried by Max Lehman was responsible for the death of his wife at their home in Beaver Township. The shot entered her throat and her right wrist was injured. Physicians were summoned but before they arrived, Mrs. Lehman died from loss of blood. Mr. Lehman is prostrated over the accident and the death of his wife. He was not blamed for the shooting, as it was purely accidental.

Mr. Lehman left the house late in the afternoon to drive the cows to the barn. He took with him a shotgun to get stray game. Returning to his home without having found anything to shoot, he saw a pair of doves flying near the house. Mr. Lehman took a shot at them and brought down the feathered creatures. He picked them up and started for the house to show his prized to Mrs. Lehman, who was sitting in an open window.

As he approached the window, Mr. Lehman dropped the gun and the butt struck the ground. The jar caused the hammer to strike home and the cartridge was exploded. As the gun exploded, it was directly in a line with Mrs. Lehman’s face and she received the full discharge.

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