The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 14, 1903
Meat Famine in the City Monday
Non-Arrival of a Shipment From Omaha Causes Shortage Which is Felt All Over City.
Markets Are Well Supplied
Peculiar Instance When Meat Market Proprietors Depend for Supply on One Shipment Which Fails to Arrive – Epicures Go to Bed Hungry.
A genuine meat famine existed in Fort Dodge Monday. A canvass of the meat markets yesterday afternoon in search of a tender steak or succulent roast resulted only in obtaining such replies at “Sorry but we are clean out.” “We haven’t got a pork chop in the house.” It is said that the only thing remaining in the meat line in the local butcher shops was a strong of bologna or a half a pound of wieners.
The famine, which was a stern reality for the many working people in the city who depend on meat at the chief means of subsistance (sic), was apparent to every market in the city. The cause was the non-arrival of the car of meat from the Armour Packing company of Omaha. The car in question was scheduled to arrive in the city on Monday mornings and seldom fails to come a (sic) the appointed time. In some way however the car missed connections Monday and the dealers who rely on this car for yesterday morning’s supply were disappointed in their expectations, as were many lovers of porterhouse who were doomed to be disappointed when they sat down to Monday evening’s repasts. The car is known as an “open car.” In other words, dealers may take from it whatever amount they need, it not being necessary to place orders ahead before the shipment leaves Omaha.
Ordinarily the butchers would not have suffered, but unfortunately every shop in the city was particularly low during the latter part of last week, and therefore had planned to secure an extra supply this week.
The delayed car, together with two other cars from other companies which regularly arrive on Tuesday, came in this morning so that all the markets are well stocked today.
With two exceptions, all of the meat dealers in the city rely entirely on packing house meats for their supply. These two firms, however, were both short on Monday morning and had expected to stock up from the Armour car. After ten Monday there was no meat to be secured in the city.
Tags: 1903
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