
Child Scalded to Death

   Posted by: admin   in Accident

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 5, 1913

Three Year Old Scalds Himself; Dies

When Albert Porter, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Porter, living on the West side, took hold of a pan of boiling hot water Thursday at 3:00 p.m., he upset the pan and his little body was drenched with the boiling water. He died yesterday at 4:00 p.m. The funeral will be this afternoon at the residence at 3:00.

Mrs. Porter, mother of the little boy had just poured the water into the pan and was to use it for washing. The boiling water scalded the boy’s body and he suffered terriby (sic) at first but later became unconscious.

A peculiar feature about the accident is that in May of this year, Albert nearly lost his life when he took a dose of (unreadable) poison. Physicians worked for some time over the boy at this time and h is life was saved.
Albert leaves besides his parents, one older brother and a baby brother a few months old.

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: July 5, 1913

Child Scalded; Died Yesterday

Baby Was Almost Two Years Old – Had Mastered Art of Walking Few Days Ago.

Death came to the relief of eleven months old Albert Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, residing near the Bradshaw Brick yard, yesterday afternoon. The lad had been suffering from burns received Thursday afternoon at four o’clock when he pulled a pan of scalding hot water from the kitchen range while his mother was in another room. In spite of all the aid rendered by physicians the lad could not survived as the burns were too much for his frail body to withstand. The boy suffered for twenty-four hours, being unconscious a large part of the time.

Had the child lived until the fourteenth of August he would have been two years old.

Funeral services were held from the residence this afternoon at three o’clock. Rev. Leitzell was in charge. Interment was made at Oakland cemetery.

This is an interesting contrast in articles. I’m positive that both articles are about the same child, but they give different names. I will have to do more research in order to determine what the correct name is. Also, the Chronicle says that the boy is 11 months old, but would have turned two in another month – that is clearly wrong. The Messenger says that he is 4 years old – again, more research is needed to find the truth.

This does bring up the fact that although newspapers are a great source of information, they aren’t always accurate. Speaking as a current newspaper employee, I know that the reporters try hard to get the facts straight, but in some cases it boils down to what people tell us – or don’t tell us.

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