Observed in a Saloon
The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 16, 1906
Observed in a Saloon
A Few Things Seen and Heard in a Hour in a Saloon.
A Messenger reporter stood for half an hour by the clock in a Fort Dodge saloon the other afternoon. The following are a few things observed:
A man came up with a big jar, got it filled for 15 cents and stepped out.
A ragged looking fellow, evidently a hobo, threw down a half dollar, said “Keep it all and set out booze as long as it lasts.”
A Salvation Army girl walked in and in less than two minutes sold a half dozen copies of the War Cry.
Twenty-two sales, by actual count, were run up by the bar tender.
Two boys sold a half dozen empty bottles for 10 cents.
A few farmers were seen, a few business men and men about town, others were regular saloon hangers-on.
During all this time a sordid looking individual stood with hands in pockets looking out the front window with a vacant stare, evidently a loafer “broke.”
(Editor’s note: This is certainly an interesting method of news-gathering, but one which, I’m afraid, wouldn’t be allowed today.)
Tags: 1905
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